This is a very important time for both children and parents and we try our utmost to make this step as straight forward and flexible as possible.
Children may enter the Reception class full-time in SEPTEMBER at the start of the school year in which they are 5.
However, all children are individuals and we are sensitive to their very different needs, so we try to be flexible. We hold an annual open evening in the autumn term to provide an opportunity for you to visit the school, talk to staff and get a flavour of what life at Furness Vale is like. In September, the year before your child will start in Reception, we will invite you to an Open Evening where you can come and see the school, meet the staff and get a flavour at what life at Furness Vale would be like. If you would like to visit during the daytime you are very welcome, simply make an appointment and the Headteacher will show you round. Also, in the June before the children start in September, we invite all parents of new pupils to come to a meeting for new parents. At this meeting, we hope to explain arrangements and discuss any questions you may have.
Children may enter the Nursery class on a flexible full-time or part-time basis from the age of 3.
Our Early Years Class is made up of Nursery and Reception aged children. Children can start with us the term following their 3rd birthday. All children are eligible for 15 hours, which can be used flexibly through morning sessions, full days or afternoon sessions. We also offer 30 hours provision for those who are eligible, again this is flexible with the options to use the 30 hours over 5 days or by condensing the hours into fewer days and making use of our Breakfast and After-school clubs.
In the EYFS class, a qualified teacher teaches all children, with support from teaching assistants. The curriculum is delivered through play-based learning. To find out more information about our EYFS classroom please request a copy of our Parental Information for the EYFS Unit booklet.