Basic information about pupils is held on our office computer to assist with the efficient organisation of the school and the children’s educational needs. Security measures are taken to ensure that the information remains confidential and available to authorised staff only. It may be used for statistical purposes but this will not enable any individual to be identified. The school has registered with the Data Protection Registrar details of persons to whom they may wish to disclose information. By law (under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1984) information may only be disclosed to other persons in accordance with this registration. The school is registered to disclose personal information to: family, relatives, guardians/trustees, doctors, dentists, other health advisers, The Department for Education, the Local Authority and Social Services, when appropriate.
It is the policy of the Governors that such information is confidential. When a requirement to disclose information to a third party has been registered, it will only be divulged to the relevant authority.