Please talk to us if you have any concerns about your child or if you are aware of any additional needs that your child may have. We understand that additional needs covers a lot of different things; we will work hard to meet your child’s needs so that they can be fully included in school life.
By focusing on individual children and families, and working flexibly, we do our utmost for every child. We help children to play and learn alongside each other and to understand different needs.
- We consider all children have an equal right to be listened to. Our practice actively celebrates diversity.
- We will explain how activities will be adapted if it is necessary, so that your child can take part alongside the other children.
- School has an Equal Opportunities Policy, a Special Educational Needs Policy, an Accessibility Plan and a Disability Equality Scheme. Please ask if you would like to see any of these.
- Our Inclusion Co-ordinator is Mrs Ruth Parry.