1st July 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
I have additional information to share about the summer holidays and plans for September 2020. This information may be subject to change depending on updated advice and guidance from the government.
Summer Holidays
The Secretary of State has announced that schools will be fully closed during the summer holidays. This includes closing for key worker and vulnerable families. Therefore, we will close on July 17th and will reopen again on Monday September 7th, 2020. This is a different date to the one already given out – we are going to have 3 Inset days in September, instead of 1. This is so that we can make sure we have absolutely everything in place to make sure we are all safe and that the school premises and staff are all ready and waiting for you. We also have a full day of spelling training included in these 3 days. This means that we won’t be having Inset days on February 12th or June 7th, 2021. We will still have the two planned Inset Days on Friday 23rd October 2020 and Thursday 22nd July 2021. The amended calendar will be available on the website for your perusal.
Wider Opening
The last four weeks, when we’ve been open to a wider group of children, have been lovely, and it’s been an absolute pleasure to be in school. We all feel very sad that we are not open to the everyone but, unless the restrictions change, this is how we keep safe at the moment. There is more information due to come out on Friday and I will continue to keep you updated. We have the majority of children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 6 and key workers in school at present.
Extended Provision
As you know, the staff and children work together in small bubbles and the bubbles are not allowed to mix. Therefore, we have put measures in place to prevent this from happening. This has had an impact on our ability to offer extended services. So, our breakfast and after school clubs cannot run at the moment (in short, it would take 8 staff to run the additional provision!). We are still waiting for guidance about ‘Bubbles’ in September and this will affect what we can offer. Again, I will keep you informed.
Wishing you all the best and hoping you’re all safe and well,
CD Taylor
Mrs Taylor