Dear Parents
Thank you for your patience during these very challenging times. For the majority of children, school is now closed until further notice. Teachers will prepare work and share it on the website. Work will be set for each year group. If your child is working at a higher/lower level that the rest of the year group, please look at the work set by the other class teachers to find work at the correct level.
Home learning does not have to follow what we’ve planned for you in school. You know your children really well and you are very welcome to provide them with other activities that meet their learning needs. There will be no statutory assessments to work towards, but it is still very important that each child continues learning so that they don’t fall behind.
The priority, up until now, has been to identify children of key workers and organise care for them. Please continue to be patient and more information/learning resources will filter through next week. We have ordered books and other resources for the children. They will need collecting next week and we’ll let you know when they arrive in school.
For further information, the website, email and Dojo will be our 3 main means of communication – please make sure notifications are turned on.
Children still attending school:
Please make sure all children wear school uniform and have a PE kit. There will be no school crossing patrol so children shouldn’t make their own way to school. The school day is 8:45-8:55 (please drop off between these times) to 3:20 – please drop children off at the front entrance and collect from the school playground. Whaley Bridge kitchen will be providing school meals, children will be asked each day if they need one. Children should bring a snack to school for playtime, as usual. Children were all sent home on Friday with work and books, please bring it back in so that children can do the work during the day. The day will not be as structured as usual, and we will have a limited number of staff in. There will be a first aider on site each day.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation at these unusual and unprecedented times. The staff here are brilliant and will do all they can to provide as best they can for all the children over the coming months.
Thank you
Carol Taylor