The length of the Teaching Week is as follows:
KS1 21hrs. 40 mins
KS2 23hrs. 45 mins
These hours are those when the pupils are actually being taught but exclude the daily act of worship, registration and breaks.
Teaching Groups
Class Teacher Year Group No. of pupils
Class D Miss Nicholls Foundation 1 & 2 14 Reception children Plus 4 Nursery pupils
Class C Mrs Cioffi/ Mrs Parry Year 1/2 22 children
Class B Mr Waring Year 3/4 25 children
Class A Mrs Guy Year 5/6 26 children
Parent Helpers
We enthusiastically encourage parents to come and help in school but feel that it is best for parents not to be involved in activities with their own child.
Teaching, Learning & Celebrating Achievement
All our pupils are considered as individuals, with their own special strengths and needs. The broad and balanced curriculum that they receive at Furness Vale celebrates these. One of our major aims is for pupils to leave us having gained academic skills and knowledge through first-hand experience as well as social skills and self-confidence.
Although a pupil’s work pattern may be tailor-made for the individual they will also be taught within a defined group, as a member of a class or of the whole school community.
Children have a role in setting their own individual targets for attainment and assessing their progress. We have a ‘reward points’ system to recognise good work and effort and we present certificates to recognise effort and achievement as well as good behaviour in school. We always try to celebrate individual and collective achievement in a variety of ways, including ‘Well Done’ assemblies. Children who achieve our ‘Star of the Week’ certificates are invited to bring a friend onto Top Table at lunchtime where they get special preferences.
The School Council
The School Council consists of representatives of each Junior Year Group, who are elected by the pupils. They hold regular meetings and consider issues such as: decoration and equipment in school; behaviour and code of conduct; anti-bullying policy; clubs; sports and any other issues they feel they ought to be considered.
HPKC (High Peak Kids Council)
Two children also represent the school at the High Peak Kids Council. They join other children within the PEGS cluster and discuss ways for the schools to work together. They do lots of joint activities including raising money for local charities.