Dear Parents/Carers,
I’m delighted to let you know that we’ve had a really positive return to school. The children have been brilliant and are settling back into their learning. It’s a pleasure to walk round school and see them all beavering away on different activities. The children are very aware that they need to wash their hands thoroughly and regularly and we’ve been encouraging good personal hygiene by using ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’.
Following conversations with parents and staff, we have decided to stagger the drop off and collection times further. We only have two entry/exit points, which makes it a difficult site for social distancing. Starting on Monday 21st September, the timings will change as follows:
Families with surnames beginning with:
A to F to arrive at 8:45 and collect at 3:10
G to M to arrive at 8:50 and collect at 3:15
N to Z to arrive at 8:55 and collect at 3:20.
Once you have dropped off or collected your child/ren, please leave the site straight away. We understand that parking is limited outside school and you may want to get here early. If this is the case, please wait in your car until your drop off/ collection time.
Our school crossing patrol officer, Anne, has said that parents have been mindful of keeping 2 metres away from her. Please continue to do this and also keep back from the road so that Anne has a clear view of oncoming traffic.
As always, we hugely appreciate all the support you give us. We are doing our utmost to follow ever changing guidance and protocols, and following our risk assessment, which is available to view on the website.
Thank you so much for your cooperation with this. We will continue to monitor the situation and will make further changes, if necessary.
Yours sincerely,
Carol Taylor