16th July 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
As you will know by now, we are all back in school on Monday September 7th, 2020 – unless the government dictates otherwise! September 2nd, 3rd and 4th are all Inset days. All of the following information is relevant right now but may change as September approaches. As always, we will follow government guidelines.
School will not be dramatically different, in September, to what it was like before we finished in March. We will have additional hand washing and personal hygiene in place and we will be encouraging the children to not touch each other or the staff. By that time, which is still over 7 weeks away, we may have even less restrictions in place. For now, we have devised a plan based on the government guidelines and here are the main points:
- We will still be doing staggered starting and closing times so that we don’t have any congestion outside and can maintain social distancing
- We will have 3 bubbles initially – EYFS/KS1, LKS2 and UKS2 (classes D and C, class B and class A)
- We will have breakfast and after school clubs, but the timings have changed slightly
- Children will still have staggered break and lunch times – they will also need to clean apparatus they have used at the end of each session
- We will not have assemblies or hold other whole school gatherings
- Julie Bland, our Specialist Support Service worker, won’t be back straight away in September
- Some specialist services will be back in (e.g. music)
- Swimming will not start for our year 4 children in September – it will either start in November or January – we will give you plenty of notice
- RWI will start in September (for EYFS and kS1) and children will stay within this ‘bubble’
- A risk assessment will be written and available to view, on the website (a dojo will be sent when it is available).
- 7:45 to start of school – £3.35
- 8:00 to start of school – £2.85
- 3:10/3:20 to 4:00 – £3:35
- 3:10/3:20 to 4:30 – £4:35
- 3:10/3:20 to 5:00 – £5:35